We are transforming AE to include far more enriching events and opportunities to engage with fellow members and other professional artists. Members will find many of these events and opportunities are discounted or free. We welcome non-members to some of these events and hope you find the value of becoming a member of Artists Equity Philadelphia/Tri-state, the region's most enduring arts organization.

Member Benefits
Be associated with excellence
Exhibition and networking opportunities for all levels of the profession
Upper tier in-person venues for exhibitions; monetary prizes, awarded by respected and well-known curators and jurors
Free-to-Members Speaker Series
Free-to-Members bi-annual critiques with well-respected professional artists
Free-to-Members quarterly peer critiques
Free-to-Members juried and open shows in gorgeous virtual galleries
Promote economic success
Professional development programs
Peer-to-peer resource sharing
Workshops, lectures and panels on the business side of being a professional artist
Discounts at many local art supply stores
Protect and expand the rights of artists
Best practices and policies on entrance fees, contracts and negotiating
Advocacy on legislative issues affecting artists at local, state and federal levels